Wolverine and Storm Make Their ‘Marvel Champions’ Debut

Fantasy Flight Games have released three new packs for their popular Marvel Champions: The Card Game, including Hero Packs featuring Wolverine and Storm.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game Hero Pack - Wolverine

Wolverine has always been one of Marvel Comics’ most popular mutants (and characters in general), so it is surprising he has taken this long to appear in the game. Much like his comic book counterpart, Wolverine is a clawed ball of fury. The hero pack includes a prebuilt Aggression deck (was there going to be any other type?), and features some fun looking cards. His Alter-Ego form allows him to begin the game with “Wolverine’s Claws’, which allows the player to take damage instead of paying for their attacks (did someone say Berserker Barrage?). Thankfully the Hero side of his card allows Wolverine to heal 2 points of damage at the end of every player phase, and cards like ‘Adamantium Skeleton’ add to his overall hit point total.

Marvel’s most famous lone wolf (does our sarcasm come through there?) would be complete without some of his fellow mutants, specifically Psylocke and Colossus. Psylocke aids Wolverine by slowing down and damaging the villain, while Colossus allows a player to use the powerful ‘Fastball Special’ on their enemies.

Finally, speaking of enemies, the Hero pack includes new modular encounter featuring Lady Deathstrike. This powerful Elite minion can be added to any scenario.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game Hero Pack - Storm

Storm has been worshipped as a goddess due to her control of the weather, lead various X-Men teams throughout her superhero career, and ruled as the Queen of Wakanda following her marriage to the Black Panther. It is no wonder that her Hero Pack is a prebuilt Leadership deck. Her Alter-Ego character side allows the player to begin the game with a Weather deck. The Weather deck features various abilities that affect on all characters in play, such as ‘Thunderstorm’ that gives all characters +1 Attack. Storm’s signature cards include multiple ways of interacting with the Weather effects in someway, usually resulting in a benefit that only the weather goddess herself can take advantage of.

Like her teammate from the Great White North, Storm’s Hero Deck includes various mutant allies that come to her aid. Mirage and Pixie both take advantage of the new Leadership cards in the deck, while Forge helps tutor out an X-Men or X-Force support card from the deck or discard pile.

The Hero Pack includes a new modular encounter featuring the Shadow King. No ally in play is safe once the Shadow King arrives, as the character has the ability to take control of them thanks to it’s ‘Possessed’ attachment card.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game Scenario Pack - MojoMania

This one is probably one of the deepest cuts Fantasy Flight Games have pulled out for Marvel Champions: The Card Game yet. MojoMania takes players to the Mojoverse, a universe where more carnage means higher ratings and everything is televised. The realm is controlled by Mojo, a sadistic creature who keeps his people distracted by elaborate programming (anyone remember the X-Babies?).

The MojoMania scenario pack will put players through the ringer with three different scenarios, each distinctly designed to be played individually or as part of a larger narrative. In the first scenario, players will face the brutal MaGog in the Mojo-seum. Then players can chase Spiral across all of the Mojoverse, attempting to convince her to stop her master’s evil plans. Finally, players will come face-to-face with the villain himself, Mojo.

The pack also includes six new modular encounters, each designed and themed after a different television genre. These modular encounters can be added to any game of Marvel Champions: The Card Game.

All three of the packs are now currently available, either through your local game store or the Asmodee webstore. The Wolverine and Storm Hero Pack each include a 40-card prebuilt deck and retail for $16.99USD. The MojoMania Scenario Pack contains 78 cards and retails for $21.99USD.


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