The Darkoath Charge Into ‘Age of Sigmar’

Games Workshop have previewed the upcoming Slaves to Darkness release with the Darkoath Army Set.

Fighting for the Dark Gods they follow, these mortal beings of Age of Sigmar bring well-honed combat skills to the tabletop. Each Slaves to Darkness: Darkoath Army Set includes:

  • Darkoath Marauders (x20) featuring an assortment of heads and body types.

  • Darkoath Fellriders (x5)

  • A Chieftain on Warsteed

  • A Wilderfiend

  • Battletome Supplement: Darkoath - An expansions to Battletome: Slaves to Darkness that includes the various bits of lore and battle profiles needed to bring this force to a player’s army.

  • Multiple Warscroll cards and tokens

The Age of Sigmar: Slaves to Darkness - Darkoath Army Set will be available for preorder later this month.


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